A propósito de un anterior post en el que informé acerca del acercamiento del Juez R. Posner a las ideas de Keynes (Posner, How I Became a Keynesian: Second Thoughts in a Recession, New Republic, Sept. 23, 2009) debo ponerlos al tanto de que ello no implica un giro en lo que se refiere a sus opiniones y creencias sobre el "antitrust".
En efecto, en una breve réplica a una columna publicada en The Wall Street Journal (Thomas Catan,"Trustbusters Try to Reclaim Decades of Lost Ground", 31 de Enero de 2010) el Juez R. Posner así lo afirmó:
"Your column "Trustbusters Try to Reclaim Decades of Lost Ground" (The Outlook, Feb. 1) says that "In September, the influential Judge Richard A. Posner, who spearheaded the movement to apply Chicago School economics to antitrust law, declared he had lost faith in the theory that had previously guided his work. His new guiding light: John Maynard Keynes, the British economist who advocated a hefty role for government in the economy."
My views on antitrust have not changed. I believe that Keynes has much to teach us about the role of government in digging an economy out of a depression or a recession. But that has absolutely nothing to do with antitrust.
Richard A. Posner
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