lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

Sobre la regulación de los mercados de servicios profesionales: el caso de los servicios legales

En EEUU y la UE entidades privadas públicas han realizado diferentes estudios empíricos y teóricos con miras evaluar la reforma de las normas sobre la prestación de servicios profesionales (o profesionaes liberales) en particular en relación al oficio de los abogados y de los notarios.

El profesor Roger van den Bergh de la Universidad Erasmus Rotterdam (Holanda) es uno de los académicos que ha sido comisionado para el estudio de la regulación actual, específicamente, las normas sobre el ejercicio de la abogacía. Recientemente ha publicado "Towards Better Regulation of the Legal Professions in the European Union" (December 30, 2007) un documento que presenta el estado del arte sobre la materia y confronta diferentes perspectivas de análisis (public interest theory vs private interest theory).

A continuación trascribo el resumen y demás información relevante sobre el documento:

Abstract: This article starts by discussing a number of public interest explanations for regulating the markets of legal services: information asymmetries, negative externalities and public goods. Since professional associations of lawyers meet the requirements for acting as effective lobbyists, the article subsequently investigates private interest explanations. Empirical work to test alternative theories of professional regulation so far remains limited and the results are ambiguous. Even if empirical studies are able to show that there exists a correlation between levels of professional regulation and profits earned, firm policy conclusions cannot be drawn as long as quality is not adequately assessed. After an overview of the theoretical and empirical literature, the article suggests a number of best practices for policy making. The two most important guidelines seem to be the following. Regulation should not be profession-focused but targeted at market failures in particular segments of the legal services markets. Changes of the regulatory infrastructure that create scope for competitive self-regulation may be the best way for coping with market failures and at the same time reducing the scope for rent-seeking.

Keywords: competition, legal professions, European Union, self-regulation

JEL Classifications: K23, L84

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